Outdoor Gym Open Day (Longford Inclusive Fitness Trails)
Outdoor Gym L.I.F.T (Longford Inclusive Fitness Trails) Open Day
We will be hosting an open day where we will demonstrate how to use the QR code system that gives instruction on the outdoor gym equipment in the Albert Reynolds Peace Park on the 27th May at 2pm.
Attendees will learn how to use the outdoor gym equipment in the Albert Reynolds Peace Park. Each machine is fitted with a QR code that gives instructions on how to sue the machine in Irish Sign Language, spoken language and closed captions. This QR code system will be explained as well as a Longford Sports Partnership tutor giving instruction on how to use the machines. The QR code system is in operation on the outdoor gym equipment in Leebeen Park, Aughnacliffe and in The Green, Edgeworthstown as part of Longford Inclusive Fitness Trails (L.I.F.T). To learn more about the QR code system and the facilities available in each park click here.
This is a free event open to all members of the community. Please note that it is an outdoor event dress for the weather.
The event will take place in the Albert Reynolds Peace Park, Templemichael Terrace, Longford from 2.00-3.00pm on the 27th May 2022. We will be meeting by the duck pond (to the left of the carpark).
To register for this event or for more information please contact Michaela on 043 33 43495, 086 602 1716 or mfarrelly@longfordcoco.ie
Alternatively you can register through Eventbrite.

For more information please contact Longford Sports Partnership's Sports Inclusion Disability Officer, Michaela Farrelly - mfarrelly@longfordcoco.ie