Longford County Council Sports Bursary

Longford County Council in collaboration with the Longford Sports Partnership, are pleased to announce the “Longford County Council Sports Bursary”.
The County Council in their budget have allocated the sum of €5,000 towards this bursary. The purpose of the award is to facilitate achievement by aspiring individual performers who have the ability and potential to bring recognition and success at National and International level.
The awards are granted to individual sports people who have shown ability in their sport and possess the potential to achieve excellence. Applicants from any sporting field must be born or domiciled in County Longford. The award is designed to assist in the cost of education, training, travel and equipment. It will normally be made to those over 16 years of age, exceptions to this may be made in the case where a person is competing at National, International or equivalent level as determined by the chosen sport.
Recipients of the award must make themselves available for photo sessions and other promotional events with and on behalf of Longford County Council. Each Bursary will be assessed on an individual basis by the Bursary Committee and the decision will be final.
For full criteria and application, please use the link Sports Bursary
The closing date for applications is Tuesday the 1st of November at 5pm.
For more information please contact sports@longfordcoco.ie or 0433343493.